With plans to expand the garden this year, we're starting more seeds. And with that, we needed a better solution to laying everything out on the kitchen counters. Enter this rack I pulled out of the basement. So far, so good. It gets ample southerly sun, so the spot is bright and warm.
What we have going so far in various two-week intervals: Four types of tomatoes (Beefsteak, Sweet Tangerine Hybrid [yellow], San Marzano [plum], and Sweet Snack Hybrid), Black Beauty eggplant, broccoli, and Buttercrunch lettuce. Can you tell we love the tomatoes? Honestly, the plan is to pump out lots of the San Marzanos to make and freeze lots of sauce. What ever is left will be doled out to friends and family.
At this point, we're waiting for the ground and air to warm up just a bit more. I want to see how early I can get the spinach to take. Until then, it will be preparing the existing beds and building the new ones. Oh, the rhubarb has sprouted too. And we ordered up some asparagus and strawberries which are set to deliver in early May.
I'm still trying to work out the layout and planting plans for the expanded garden. I have some traveling coming up, which will leave plenty of time for sketching on the plane.
Finally, I had one of those amazing compost experiences. Compost Die-Hards will know what I'm talking about. I turned the pile inside our Earth Machine and was knocked over by the heat and steam coming out of it. Awesome! In the next couple of weeks I'll screen the ready compost in the second pile (made of recycled pallets) and get it worked into the beds.
How are your gardens going? Any good stories to share?
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